Foolprof recipe. It can't possibly go wrong 🙃
Ingredients: 500g Strong White Flour
2 tbsp Vegan Butter
1 tsp salt
2tsp sugar
1 sachet (7g) bread yeast
300ml Water
Pumpkin Seeds
Combine all the ingredients thoroughly until a dough forms, then let it rise at room temperature for 1 hour. Next, knead the dough for one minute to remove excess air bubbles and reduce tension. Shape the dough into buns, sprinkle with pumpkin seeds, place on trays, and allow to rise for another 30 minutes. Once ready, bake in a preheated oven at the highest temperature for 12 minutes until golden brown..
When you tap the buns gently with your knuckle, they should produce a hollow sound.
There you have it! Enjoy your fluffy buns and share your feedback with me :) Remember to use the hashtag #tgkchallenge, and I will make sure to respond!